Reasons to Consider Replacing Your Roof Before Summer Begins

Summer is fast approaching and so are the heatwaves. Taking steps to combat the heat and the high utility costs that come with running the AC are vital for homeowners. The summer heat can be uncomfortable enough as is, but when you also have to wrestle with high summer bills, things can go from bad to worse very quickly. Something that homeowners often overlook when considering options for staving the heat and lowering their bills is roof replacement. Roof replacement is an excellent investment that does more than just protect your pocketbook. Installing a new roof plus solar is an optimal way to prepare for the summer.

How Does Roofing Help with Heat/Utilities?

Your roof is a vital part of your home that provides protection from the elements, keeping you comfortable and safe. Depending on the age, color and material of your roof, your home may have a better or worse regulated temperature. Roofs provide ventilation helping to maintain comfortable temperatures in your home. Over time, wear and tear will lead to faults within your roof ultimately resulting in irregularities in ventilation. Inadequate ventilation can lead to hot air getting trapped within attic of your house, causing your home to exponentially heat itself over time.

As this happens, the only options for lowering the heat are to open all the windows; which can be annoying and potentially exacerbate the situation; or to crank up your AC which can lead to very high utility bills. The hotter your home is the harder your AC will have to work in order to keep it cool. Installing a new roof can ensure that any faults in your old roof are now taken care of, leading to a well-ventilated home. When your home is well ventilated it will be easier for you to cool and also less expensive for you to do so.

Add a New Roof Plus Solar with SolarTech

How Else Does Roofing Help?

Home Value: Your roof does a lot for your home. It protects you from harsh weather, it keeps your home cool and it ultimately directly impacts your home’s overall value. Homes are an investment and everything you put into your home should ultimately result in a positive return on investment. Installing a new roof onto your home is an excellent way to increase your home value. According to the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI), in conjunction with the National Association of REALTORS (NAR), 33 percent of realtors said that a new roofing project helped them close a sale*.

Potential home buyers want to do the least amount of work possible when moving into a new home. If they invest in a new home, they want to ensure they’re getting their money’s worth and if they have to replace the roof then they’re going to be less inclined to make the purchase. According to another report by the NARI, new roofs provide a 109 percent return*. Investing in a new roof is an excellent way to increase the value of your home.

Safety: Your roof is your direct barrier from the outside. As weather conditions change and time goes on your roof will succumb to wear and tear. As this happens your roof may spring leaks which can be damaging to home appliances and more importantly the overall structural integrity of your home. Not only this, but aged roofs run the risk of caving in, which could be detrimental. It’s important to constantly maintain your roof and to have it replaced when necessary. Replacing your roof is necessary to keep you and your home safe.

Going Solar: Installing solar is easy when you do it alongside your new roof project. Solar plus roofing can be greatly beneficial for your home. Solar helps to increase energy efficiency, on top of the increased energy efficiency offered by roofing. Not only this, but solar also provides excellent shading for your roof which will indirectly help with the cooling of my home. It’s far easier to go solar with a new roof than an old one, because if you don’t replace your roof now and you install solar, in the future replacing your roof will be more of a hassle. Going solar is easy when you go solar with a new roof.

If you’re interested in learning more about adding a new roof plus solar, click here to receive a free quote

Add Roofing with SolarTech

Adding a new roof + solar is always a good choice when you go with a company that you can trust. SolarTech has been in business for over 20 years and we’re equipped to help you prepare for the summer with roofing + solar. To learn more about the services we offer and to get a free solar quote, call (619) 743-9193 or click the link below.