How to Stop Rising Utility Rates

Utilities have been rising and will continue to rise over the years to come. Unless you have a way to generate your own energy or sell energy back to the grid, you’re trapped paying their tremendous and unfair rates. In cities like San Deigo, some homeowners are seeing their bills rise from $60 a month to nearly $300 a month, after having paid no more than $60 a month for utilities since they’ve been in their homes. Regardless of whether you’re retired or still working, an extra and unexpected $240 on your bill can make a massive impact on your finances, which you have no choice but to accept. Fortunately, there are several ways that homeowners can combat rising utility rates and lock-in set electric rates for years to come.

Go Solar

Going solar is the best way to lower your monthly bill. Living in San Diego, our city receives a lot of sun and is, therefore, a prime spot for solar energy. Installing solar allows homeowners to harness power from the sun and generate their own energy. What’s nice about going solar is that you’re still tied to the grid, so any excess energy that you need to offset your energy consumption not covered by solar can be supplemented by the grid. Depending on the size of your system, your solar array can easily power your entire home during the day, cutting out a large chunk of time that you would normally be pulling energy from the grid and paying the utility. Learn More

SolarTech can help you stop rising utility rates by going solar!

Another great benefit of going solar is the ability to generate credits for all the excess energy that you produce. If for instance you aren’t home during the day and your solar system is producing energy when you aren’t using any, all of that excess energy gets pumped back into the grid. When this happens, you’re credited for that energy and these credits can help to often times virtually eliminate your electric bill. SolarTech has had customers who have cut their monthly electric spend from $800 to just $75 (the price they pay for gas). Solar is the best way to reduce, if not entirely eliminate your monthly utility bill.

Lock-In Utility Rates for The Next 20 Years

When you go solar and sign up for Net Metering (NEM), you lock in rates for the next 20 years, so you know exactly what to expect from your utility bill moving forward. Net Metering is an excellent program that allows consumers to sell energy back to the grid. Like we mentioned before, all of the excess energy that you produce with solar get’s sold back to the grid for a credit; this is thanks to Net Metering.  Learn More

Add Energy Storage

Adding solar is the best way to combat and stop rising utility rates, adding solar + energy storage is the ultimate way to save on rising utility rates for years to come. Energy storage allows you to save energy produced by your solar system for when you need it most, whether that’s during a blackout or during peak time-of-use rates. For many of our customers, combining solar + energy storage allows them to power their home during the day while simultaneously charging their battery, so that at night, energy use in the home can switch from the grid to the battery. Doing so significantly reduces reliance on the grid saves homeowners tons of money on their utility bills.

SolarTech Installs Home Energy Storage Systems

Go Solar with SolarTech Today

Work with SolarTech and you’ll see how easy it is to save. SolarTech has been powering California and installing savings for homeowners for over 20 years, and we are here to help you go solar. Solar is the best way to save on rising utility rates, and combining solar plus energy storage is the ultimate way to save. If you’re interested in going solar then give us a call today (619) 743-9193 Learn More!

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