New Roof, New Solar!

If you’re considering installing a new roof, you may also want to consider adding solar to the equation. New roofs alone can help improve the energy efficiency and resale value of your home, but when paired with solar, these benefits increase exponentially. Solar and roofing go hand in hand, working to improve your quality of life and save you money.

Improved Home Energy Efficiency

Your roof is a vital part of your home that often gets overlooked in relation to energy efficiency. Roofs help to regulate the climate of your home, controlling how much heat gets in and out. Replacing your roof can heal any faults in your current roof and improve climate regulation in your home. The less your AC has to work, the more you can expect to save on your utilities.

When paired with solar, the savings only increase! Rooftop solar helps to add shade to your home and reduces the cooling costs over the lifetime of your solar system! According to a study conducted by the University of California San Diego*, rooftop solar actually decreases a ceiling’s temperature by 5 degrees Fahrenheit! The cooler your home is, the easier it will be on your AC system to keep your home cool.

Solar also helps to improve home efficiency! Solar energy is an excellent way to power your home and mitigate the amount of energy that you’re pulling from the grid. Compared to SDGE’s average of 31¢ per-kilowatt hour, solar can reduce the cost of your electricity to as low as 7¢ per kilowatt-hour, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars a month. Not only does solar lower your monthly energy spend, but it also allows you to lock in affordable electric rates for years to come. Thanks to Net Metering, when you go solar you can lock in energy rates for up to 25 years, so you know that you’re getting excellent electric rates for your home for many years to come.

New Roof + New Solar = Greater Home Value

If you’re ever considering re-selling your home, then it’s always a good idea to make sure you get the most out of your investment. Installing a new roof can increase a home’s value exponentially! Most potential homeowners want a property that is ready to move into with little to no work involved in getting it up-to-date. People are more willing to pay extra for a home with amenities that they’d like than to just go through the trouble of paying to have those amenities installed themselves. Learn How Solar Improves Home Value

The same goes for solar! According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory or NREL0, every dollar saved on energy through solar increases a home’s value by nearly $20! This means that on average if a solar energy system saves just $200 a year, this could add up to $4,000 to the value of the home! If you’d like to learn more about just how much value solar adds to the resale value of your home, click the link below!

Install with SolarTech

If you’re considering installing a new roof or adding solar to an existing one, then we’re the people for the job. We’ve been in business for over 20 years, providing excellent customer service and value to San Diego county. To learn more about the services we offer and to get a free solar quote, call (619) 743-9193 or click the link below

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