5 Reasons Why to Pair an EV with Home Solar

The Importance of Tier 1 Solar Panels

Electric Vehicle (EV) owners are already aware of the financial and environmental benefits these provide. But there is so much more that they can do to save on the cost of the electricity it requires to run, as well as reduce its carbon footprint to near zero – and it all starts with pairing your EV with a residential solar system.

Here are 5 reasons why having a Residential Solar System is the smartest choice for EV owners:

  1. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Unlike conventional cars, EV’s fuel is electricity, and even though it is cheaper to fully charge one, this increases household energy consumption between 50% and 100%, and can become expensive if you charge it during peak-electricity demand.

A Residential Solar System is the perfect solution to this. By generating your energy, you won’t need to rely on higher electricity prices from the grid, giving you the best price to fully charge your EV every day.

  1. Federal & State Incentives

One of the best times to adopt green technologies is now. Incentives for Solar and EV, especially in California and Arizona, are still available and are expected to grow in the future as both states heavily promote the adoption of green energy alternatives.

By pairing your EV investment with a solar system, you will be getting the best of both at an incentivized price by the Government, such as using the Solar Federal Tax Credit, and the $7,500 Credit for New EV vehicles.

  1. Benefit During the Peak Season

The summer season places a substantial toll on the electricity grid. For homeowners, this often involves paying more for electricity. And while demand response helps, there’s no better way to offset the increased cost than by benefiting from the longer, sunny days than using Solar Energy.

We recommend that homeowners store the excess energy they will produce during the summer with their solar system to later charge their EVs at a fraction of the cost it would have been through peak-energy demand hours.

  1. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Not all energy is created equally. Although EVs don’t release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere when used, the power source used to charge your EV might have. Pairing your EV with solar panels maximizes its environmental benefits, putting you closer to a lifestyle of net zero emissions.

  1. Become More Energy Independent

You will no longer need to rely on gasoline, its rising prices, and scarcity. And by producing your electricity, you won’t need to depend on an electrical grid either that is becoming more and more strained and prone to fail with environmental risks in California and Arizona such as wildfires.

In conclusion, solar energy is a smart choice for EV owners that offers a myriad of advantages of financial and environmental benefits. By integrating a residential solar system with their EV, owners can achieve remarkable savings on electricity costs while significantly reducing their carbon footprint, moving towards a nearly zero-emission lifestyle.