How To Make The Best Out Of Your Energy Storage Unit


How to use your energy storage unit

Solar energy has become an increasingly popular choice for homeowners thanks to its potential cost savings. However, to truly make the most of solar power, it is essential to consider pairing the system with an Energy Storage Unit.

These units allow you to store excess energy generated during the day and utilize it how you want it to power your most important home appliances. Here are some examples of how to best utilize your Energy Storage Unit:

  1. Keeping Your House Cool

Summer is here, bringing higher temperatures and a greater electric demand to keep A/C units on. During peak hours in the afternoon, you can utilize your stored energy to keep your A/C running without worrying about the cost of the electricity – keeping your house cool and your bill low.

  1. Avoid Food From Spoiling

Blackouts have become a common occurrence due to natural disasters and increasing energy demand. This has caused problems for homeowners with appliances that require continuous power to operate, such as fridges or electric stoves, that more than once have caused food to spoil and them to be unable to cook.

Keep your fridge running during a blackout

  1. Charge your EV

With the rising popularity of EVs, homeowners are updating their homes with EV chargers. Fully powering an EV is already cheaper than fueling a conventional car. But those looking to reduce this electricity cost even more, are deciding to integrate an Energy Storage Unit. By utilizing their stored solar energy, they charge their EV during peak hours and at night, resulting in a fully charged car.

  1. Medical Appliances

Energy storage units play a crucial role in providing power during emergencies, especially for medical appliances. In critical situations, having a reliable backup power source is essential for the operation of life-saving equipment. By storing excess solar energy, homeowners can ensure the availability of power for emergency medical appliances, such as oxygen concentrators, ventilators, and other essential devices.

Energy Storage Units significantly enhance the benefits and versatility of solar energy systems, providing more than just savings, they are a way to ensure the correct functionality of your home at all times by reducing your dependency on the electrical grid.

Tell us, how would YOU use your stored energy?