Serving California, Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado.

Top Rated Residential San Diego Solar Company


As a San Diego homeowner, you’re no stranger to high electricity bills. With San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) proposing a staggering 17.6% rate increase for 2024, now is the time to take control of your energy costs with a whole home solar installation from SolarTech.

Why Choose Whole Home Solar in San Diego?

By installing a comprehensive solar panel and battery storage system, you can:

  • Dramatically reduce or even eliminate your monthly electricity bills
  • Lock in predictable energy costs for 20+ years
  • Qualify for valuable solar incentives and tax credits
  • Protect your home from frequent power outages
  • Increase your property value

With an average of 266 sunny days per year, San Diego is an ideal location for harnessing clean, renewable solar energy.

SolarTech local San Diego Solar Installer

How Much Can You Save with Solar in San Diego?

The cost of solar has dropped significantly in recent years, making it more affordable than ever. After installing solar panels, a typical San Diego homeowner can expect to save about $1,637 per year on electricity, totaling over $31,000 in 20 years.

The exact savings will depend on factors like your energy usage, system size, and available incentives. Our expert Solar Advisors will provide a personalized savings estimate based on your unique situation.

SDG&E’s Changing Rate Structure: Act Now to Maximize Your Savings

In addition to the proposed 2024 rate hike, SDG&E is implementing a new pricing structure that encourages electricity consumption during off-peak hours. By going solar now, you can take advantage of net metering to offset your peak energy usage and maximize your long-term savings before the new rates take effect.

Financing Your San Diego Solar Installation

We offer flexible financing options to make going solar accessible for every budget, including:

  • $0-down solar loans with fixed monthly payments
  • Solar leases and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)
  • Cash purchases with the fastest return on investment

Our team will help you compare options and find the best financing solution for your needs.

Why Choose SolarTech?

As San Diego’s premier solar installer, we are committed to helping you achieve energy independence with top-quality products and exceptional customer service. When you choose us for your whole home solar project, you’ll benefit from:

  • Free, no-obligation consultations and savings estimates
  • Custom system designs optimized for your energy needs
  • Professional installation by licensed and certified technicians
  • Industry-leading equipment warranties and performance guarantees
  • Ongoing monitoring and maintenance to ensure optimal performance

Get Started with San Diego Whole Home Solar Today

Don’t let rising electricity rates drain your budget. Take the first step towards energy freedom by requesting your free solar consultation. Our knowledgeable Solar Advisors are ready to answer your questions, provide a customized savings report, and help you join the thousands of San Diego homeowners who are already enjoying the benefits of clean, affordable solar power.

Contact Solar Expert

FAQ – How can solar energy can help reduce your electricity bills in San Diego

Installing solar panels on your home in San Diego can significantly lower your monthly electric bills from San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). Here’s how:

Generating Your Own Electricity

Solar panels allow you to generate your own clean electricity from the abundant San Diego sunshine. This electricity directly offsets the power you would normally have to purchase from SDG&E at much higher rates.

The average residential electricity rate from SDG&E is currently around 37% higher compared to other U.S. cities. But with solar, you can generate electricity at a much lower cost, typically around 8 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) over the 25+ year lifespan of the system. This is less than half of SDG&E’s current residential rates.

Net Metering Credits

When your solar panels produce more electricity than you use, the excess is sent back to SDG&E’s grid. Through their net metering program, SDG&E provides bill credits for this excess solar generation.

You can then use these credits to offset your electricity usage from the grid at night or during less sunny months. This further reduces your bills.

However, SDG&E is changing its net metering program in 2024. The credits for excess solar sent to the grid will be reduced by about 75% compared to current rates. So it’s best to go solar soon to lock in the more favorable rates for 20 years.

Avoiding Rising Utility Rates

Another key benefit of going solar in San Diego is avoiding SDG&E’s rapidly increasing electricity rates. From 2017 to 2022 alone, SDG&E’s rates rose by 41%.

By generating your own solar power at a fixed, low cost, you insulate yourself from unpredictable utility rate hikes for decades to come. Your savings will continue to grow every year as SDG&E’s rates increase.

Battery Storage for Extra Savings

Adding a home battery system to your solar panels can boost your savings even further. Batteries allow you to store excess solar energy produced during the day and use it at night during SDG&E’s expensive “peak” hours from 4-9pm.

This maximizes your self-consumption of solar and minimizes expensive grid power. SDG&E is also incentivizing solar battery systems to help support the grid during peak times.

How Much Can You Save?

Based on the average San Diego household’s electricity usage, switching to solar can save you around $1,637 per year on your utility bills. Over 20 years, that adds up to over $31,000 in electricity cost savings.

The exact amount you save depends on factors like your energy usage, solar system size, electricity rate plan, and whether you install battery storage. Get quotes from multiple local solar installers to see your potential savings.

In summary, going solar is one of the best ways to drastically reduce your SDG&E electricity bills. With San Diego’s high utility rates and abundant sunshine, solar can reliably lower your energy costs for decades while helping the environment. Take advantage of SDG&E’s current net metering rates and solar incentives to maximize your long-term savings.




September 10, 2024